Sunday, November 27, 2005

Yea for the Little Things!

So, this weekend was the first time I (and the band) has had a full four day weekend since I don't know when. It's interesting...I had forgotten how it felt to have four full days off. I remember in Germany going with Coop to Greiswald on a four day and or to Salzburg with him, Josh Simmons, and Dan Rashkin and also to Euro Disney and Paris with the whole gang. I can certainly say...Four day weekends are so much more fun while stationed in Germany! It was nice too, because even if you didn't go anywhere Mainz and Wiesbaden were so close! And even to go to the PX was fun because you were actually leaving the airfield. (They had a really nice book store with Cinnebon and lounge chairs too! I miss it!) And there was a movie theatre on base! They played really sucky movies, but you didn't have to go out to see a movie.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is: JAPAN SUCKS! It was great when I first got here, but uh! There is nothing on base for single soldiers. Unless you wanna get drunk and hang out with gross, annoying people. Everything else is so expensive! It takes forever to get anywhere! You have to walk to the train station and then the train, then walk again wherever your going. Even if you drive it takes your twenty minutes to go like five miles! And believe me, I'm not exaggerating. I love window shopping, but that's only when it's stuff I want, or can afford, or wear! Japan is definitely not the place for single American girls, but I've been through this before. Movies are $17! To play a game at the arcade is $1. I mean! Just to have fun will leave anyone broke!
However, the title of this entry is "Yea for the Little Things" so, I suppose I should move on to what the little things are. First, yea! For break ups! Seriously, I broke up this weekend with a guy that I have been separated from for a year and a half. I'm glad we finally went through the steps. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest and I can move on in relationships now. I won't have the thought of him hanging in the back of my brain. I do have to get ahold of him and let him know that I didn't really mean all the stuff about not talking to talk him any time soon. I think this time I really can move on and be friends, heck it's been that way for so long anyway!
Secondly, Yea! For hot chocolate! Have you ever seen anyone sad after they've had a hot cup of cocoa? Not likely. Especially not if you put in a shot of peppermint schnapps!
Three: Yea! For peace and quiet. I didn't do anything this weekend. Nothing socially anyway, and I'm happy. I can't say that I didn't have any bored or lonely moments, but oh...I needed a break and thankfully, I got it!
Four: Yea! For creativity. I love my talents. They don't make me any money, (actually they are quite expensive), but when I see one more round on a crocheted blanket finished, or the colors shining from a just finished Christmas card...It's happiness.
Five: Yea! For moms. I don't mean to say that my mother and I have the best relationship. We do get on each others nerves every now and then, but if I ever want to talk something through...I know I can talk to mom. She doesn't always tell me exactly what I want to here, but that's what mothers are for.
And finally (at least for right now): Yea! For Christmas shows of DVD! It makes you feel like a kid again. It's just Yea!
So, now I have to go into work tomorrow. I start every day with a "Don't let them bother me" attitude. Sometimes it doesn't always work, but remember in three weeks I'll be home for Christmas and I won't have to deal with their crap for two whole weeks! (One for Yea!)

Friday, November 25, 2005

The Great Things About Living in Michigan

Part 1 If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 18 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swimby, you might live in Michigan. If you're proud that your region makes the national news 96 nights eachyear because Pellston is the coldest spot in the nation, you might live in Michigan. If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you> might live in Michigan. If you instinctively walk like a penguin for five months out of the year, you might live in Michigan. If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work there, you might live in Michigan. If your dad's suntan stops at a line curving around the middle of his forehead, you might live in Michigan. If you have worn shorts and a coat at the same time, you might live in Michigan. If your town has an equal number of bars and churches, you might live in Michigan. If you have had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you might live in Michigan. Part 2 - You know you're a true MICHIGANIAN when............. 1. "Vacation" means going up north on I-75. 2. You measure distance in hours. 3. You know several people who have hit a deer more than once. 4. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day. 5. You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching. 6. You see people wearing camouflage at social events (including weddings). 7. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked. 8. You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend knows how to use them. 9. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. 10. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow. 11. You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction. 12. You can identify a southern or eastern accent. 13. Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a deer next to your blue spruce. 14. You were unaware that there is a legal drinking age. 15. Down South to you means Ohio. 16. A brat is something you eat. 17. Your neighbor throws a party to celebrate his new pole barn. 18. You go out to fish fry every Friday. 19. Your 4th of July picnic was moved indoors due to frost. 20. You have more miles on your snow blower than your car. 21. You find 0 degrees "a little chilly." 22. You drink pop and bake with soda. 23. Your doctor tells you to drink Vernors and you know it's not medicine. 24. You know what a Yooper is. 25. You think owning a Honda is Un American. 26. You know that UP is a place, not a direction. 27. You know it's possible to live in a thumb. 28. You understand that when visiting Detroit, the best thing to wear is a Kevlar vest. 29. You actually understand these jokes, and you forward them to all your Michigan friends

I love Google!

So, I made Google my new home page and there is a portion on there called "'How To' of the Day". It is so neat, because it always seems to have at least one thing that I'm really struggling with up there. Here is the one for today!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Impossible People

Hey! I just read this article about "How to Deal With Impossible People" and I thought it was great. I work with about 44 impossible people in a unit of about 46. So, hopefully it will help you get on better with your day. There is a link on the bottom of that page about "How to Deal With Criticism at Work". That one is good also! Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!

To one and all!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Pisces February 18 - March 19 This is a great time to take advantage of a little solitude to pursue some cherished goals that you've had on hold, dear Pisces. Your concentration and imagination are both operating at a very high level, and you may not stop working until you've completely finished. If you're starting a project, you'll probably do well on it, and, if business and money are involved, make a success of it. Don't let temporary snags get in your way. Go for the gold!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Good Advice for a Single Thanksgiving

I just read this article and it helped me set my mind for this long four day weekend ahead of me! If there is anyone else in my boots maybe this will help! Enjoy!

Alone in a Crowded Room

Have you ever been in a crowded room and felt totally and absolutely alone? And it's not even a room full of complete strangers...No! You know these people! You spend almost 24 hours a day with some of them. You work together, you eat, sleep, and drink together. You've shared many different secrets about yourself to these people, you know their secrets. You know their wives and husbands and children's names, but for some reason, now...You are alone. You just don't fit in. You seem to say something and everyone stares blankly in your direction as if you have just appeared out of thin air, and then in a blink of an eye they are back in their conversation as if you had never said anything at all. Even if you have embraced the fact that they may just not like you that much or that you are a little socially introverted and you've started enjoying doing your own thing you can still hear them. "I did this!" "I did that!" "Let's go do this!" You wish that you could bring up the courage to invite yourself, but you really wouldn't have a good time. The conversation would bore you and you would still be ignored. It's seems like a lose-loose situation. Maybe you just have to find a different crowd. One that will embrace you for who you are. Who shares your interests and make you feel as one of the group instead of a turd in the corner that everyone pretends isn't there so they don't have to pick it up. You need to look deep into yourself to see if you just want to be seen as cool or if these people are the kind of people who would be good friends. Really, they'll just use you. Cut you down so that they look that much better. Screw them! You're better than that! You just have to get out and have fun by yourself, and like your mother has told you...Forget about it...And friends will come...
MR. CELLOPHANE If someone stood up in a crowd
And raised his voice up way out loud
And waved his arm and shook his leg
You'd notice him
If someone in the movie show
Yelled "Fire in the second row
This whole place is a powder keg!"
You'd notice him
And even without clucking like a hen
Everyone gets noticed, now and then,
Unless, of course, that personage should be
Invisible, inconsequential me!
Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophan
e'Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there...I tell ya
Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
'Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there...
Suppose you was a little cat
Residin' in a person's flat
Who fed you fish and scratched your ears?
You'd notice him
Suppose you was a woman, wed
And sleepin' in a double bed
Beside one man, for seven years
You'd notice him
A human being's made of more than air
With all that bulk, you're bound to see him there
Unless that human bein' next to you
Is unimpressive, undistinguished
You know who...
Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
'Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there...I tell ya
Mister Cellophane
Shoulda been my name
Mister Cellophane
'Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there
Never even know I'm there.
Hope I didn't take up too much of your time.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I'm back....REALLY!

So, life got a little more confusing there than it already is for a month or two, and I really do feel bad for not posting any recent events in my life. I really don't know where to begin. I suppose I should start with my promotion and promotion party. It was actually quite unexciting ( the promotion part), but the promotion party was a blast! I had two people pin me my friend Shawnee and I wanted Dwayne Simmons, but his wife decided to give birth on the day on my promotion (bitch), so I had to have my ex-drill sergeant Bill Snow pin me instead. That's ok too!

For my promotion party we went to Fridays in Machida, and then we went kareokeing. That was a blast. I love the way the Japanese do kareoke. You rent a room and then you and all your crazy (insane is more like it!) friends sing and drink and make a fool!

That was the beginning of October...What else has happened? I started school, then decided that was a pain in the ass and decided to wait until I get to Chicago, so I withdrew. I had my first really singing gig on Sunday! That was so much fun! It was a girls junior college and they thought we were the best. I got to go out and dance with them and I was back on stage where I'm supposed to be. I can't wait until I can do community theatre again. I need the lights! I need the stage! I need the audience! And now, it's November and I don't have much else going on until December when hopefully BJ will be on his way. I just found out today that one of my best friends from Germany got married! I couldn't believe it! It added one more guy to the curse. The girl right after me! Beware men who don't like marriage...Either that just stay with me and it will never happen! LOL! Anyway...It's nice to be back on the boat again, and hopefully I won't have anymore dry spells on here, or at least not as long of ones!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Safe Sex Never Felt So Good!

Ok, so I have to start out by saying I read about this in "O" magazine of all places. I was so intrigued that I had to do some researched. I'm sure you people lucky enough to have American TV and not the Armed Forces Network have seen commercials for this interesting device. A one time use vibrator that is on a silicone ring that slips onto the penis of your partner. So, while the deed is being down you get a little extra buzz. Well, in theory this is a pretty good idea. However, first of all, it's ten dollar ($10) for one. It only lasts for twenty minutes. So, if your love making takes longer than that you're shit out of luck, or if you are like some other fortunate couples, like to do it a lot. Well, that's ten bucks a pop! At this rate just buy a vibrator. It'll pay for itself! Secondly, (Disclaimer: If you are squeamish about hearing your niece or daughter or granddaughter, or goddaughter babbling on this way I suggest you not read ahead. Surprise! I'm not a little girl any more! LOL!) I can't imagine it would be very comfortable for either partner. The guy has this goofy looking ring wrapped around his thing, and the female has this thing being shoved against her repeatedly. You know what I mean? It just doesn't seem right. Wouldn't it make more sense to put a thing like that on a female condom so you at least get the prolonged sensation, not just when your fully penetrated by your guy. And lastly, don't you think it's kinda creepy that Trojan is promoting sex toys. That's not their job. They make condoms. It is their job to make sure no one gets pregnant or a STD. Not to make sex toys. If it was a spemicidally treated vibrator ring they would be a little closer to their own terrain, but no, they're selling sex toys at the drug store. I think this is something that you should only be able to pick up at one of your local skeezy sex shops. You know, where everyone kinda slinks around hoping they don't see anyone they know. Now it's: "Yours at Walgreens for the low, low price of $9.99. So, you can pick it up and run into your pastor around the corner. (However, If you run into him at the sex shop, at least you got a great story!) I don't know. Perhaps I'm putting to much thought into this. Actually, I know I'm thinking to deeply, but I just find it humorous! Anyway, I took my time to look this up on the Trojan website (and it was fun!), so why don't you take a look and decide for yourself? Have fun and enjoy...(Yourself, if you know what I mean!)

Monday, September 19, 2005

A Lotta Bit of Humor

Dan sent me this link last night and I laughed so hard I almost wet myself! Thank God I live alone! How embarrassing! And enjoy:
Men have tried to understand the rules when dealing with women for thousands of years, Finally, this guide helps you understand just how it works. Always remember, to make the woman happy. Do something she likes, and you get points. Do something she dislikes and you lose points. You don't get any points for doing something she expects. Hey, it's her game, you might as well learn how to play.
You make the bed................................................+1
You make the bed, but forget to add the decorative pillows......-1
You throw the bedspread over rumpled sheets.....................-2
You leave the toilet seat up....................................-5
You replace the toilet paper roll when it is empty..............+5
When the toilet paper roll is barren, you resort to Kleenex.....-1
When the Kleenex runs out you use the next bathroom.............-2
You go out to buy her extra -light panty liners with wings......+5
in the rain.....................................................+8
but return with beer............................................-1
and no pads.....................................................-25
You check out a suspicious noise at night.......................+1
You check out a suspicious noise and it is nothing..............nada
You check out a suspicious noise and it is something............+5
You pummel it with a six iron...................................+10
It's her cat....................................................-40
You stay by her side the entire party...........................nada
You stay by her side for a while, then leave with a drinking buddy...........................................-2
Named Tiffany...................................................-20
Tiffany is a dancer.............................................-50
With breast implants............................................-100
You remember her birthday.......................................+1
You buy a card and flowers......................................+2
You take her out to dinner......................................+5
You take her out to dinner and it's not a sports bar............+6
Okay, it is a sports bar........................................-20
And it's all-you-can-eat night..................................-30
It's a sports bar, its all-you-can-eat night, and your faceis painted the colors of your favorite team.....................-40
Go with a pal...................................................nada
The pal is happily married......................................+1
The pal is single...............................................-10
He drives a Ferrari.............................................-20
With a personalized license plate (GR8NBED).....................-30
You take her to a movie.........................................+2
You take her to a movie she likes...............................+5
You take her to a movie you hate................................+8
You take her to a movie you like................................-5
It's called Death Cop III.......................................-10
it features Cyborgs that eat humans.............................-15
You lied and said it was a foreign film about orphans...........-20
You develop a noticeable pot belly..............................-15
You develop a noticeable pot belly & exercise to get rid of it..+10
You develop a noticeable pot belly and resort to loosejeans and baggy Hawaiian shirts.................................-30
You say, "It doesn't matter, you have one too.".................-1000
She asks, "Does this dress make me look fat?" You hesitate in responding......................................-10
You reply, "Where?".............................................-35
You reply, "No, honey, I think it's your

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Forlorn Adventurer

Well, since I don't have as much time left in Japan as I had hoped, I decided yesterday to finally get out of my room and explore this wild and mystical country. I'm right in the middle of the most populated and historical center in Japan, so I don't have to travel far to get to see many of these crazy things. I'd bought a travel book and looked up some interesting sites, then went looking for someone to accompany me. Unfortunately, everyone in the unit already had plans. So, as you see, I was all by my lonesome. I almost didn't go. I mean, what is the point of going and discovering all these amazing things if you don't have anyone to share them with. Then I thought about it. I walked around Salzburg all day once and had a great time. I didn't have anyone telling me they wanted to see something different, or what I was checking out was boring. And I do have someone to share all this with. All of you! So, I checked the train routes and I was on my way to Kamakura to see the Great Buddha, or Daibutsu as the Japanese call it. Daibutsu is the second largest statue of Buddha in all of Japan. It was built in 1252. It was guilded in cooper and enclosed in a large temple. In 1495, a huge tsunami wiped away the temple and everything around it. Only the Daibutsu survived. There are craploads of temples and shrines all over the Kamakura district, but I only went and looked at two. The first one was by mistake because I couldn't read the map I had bought, so I followed two cute guys down a tree covered path in the middle of the street hoping they would lead me in the right direction. I ended up at the Hachiman Shrine, which is one of the largest and most beautiful in Kamakura, but I didn't know that at the time. I was just annoyed that I didn't know where I was, and I didn't have a lot of time before the Daibutsu temple closed. The stone stairway was so long, but it was worth the walk. The temple was huge. I wanted to go back and explore the outer buildings and museums that they had near there. When I figured out where I was and took off toward the Daibutsu. It was a long walk, but it was pretty. I found the road that led up to the temple. There is a thing about Japan. I always seem to be on the wrong side of traffic. I think, walk on the left side, no, all the walking traffic is on the other side of road, so I switch and again I'm pushing against the current. So, moving on, I got to the Great Buddha. It was smaller than I thought, and the surrounding shrine wasn't really much to look at, but it was worth it. For 500 yen, or $5, they allow tourists to go inside the statue. Want to know what it was like? Well, imagine, walking inside the bottom of your mother's favorite porcelain knick-knack. I made my way down the road to the little train station that takes tourist back to the Kamakura train station. This little road should have been called "Ice Cream Alley" because of all the ice cream shops. And I'll tell you another thing: Sweet potato is the flavor of the season. Holy cow! Purple ice cream everywhere (Sweet potato ice cream is lilac colored.) I got a sweet potato/vanilla twist cone. It's was very good. I got back to Soubudia-mae (the train station outside Camp Zama) and had sushi for dinner. I love the sushi restaurants they have. They have a bar for single people and booths for parties, but they are all placed around a conveyor belt with sushi and food on plates. You grab the plate you want and they are color-coded to tell you how much that plate costs. Pink is 100 yen, green 150, blue 250. Then they have tea and cups on a bottom belt so you just have to grab it and put hot water in it from the little spout that's on your table. It's so fun. I love sushi.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

And Isn't It Ironic...Don't You Think?

The Army cracks me up...Well, actually it drives me crazy. This morning I found out that I was picked up for promotion to SGT. Cool. Awesome. I'm happy. However, this afternoon I found out that I can't extend to meet my DEROS, which is when my tour in Japan is up. March of '07. My ETS, which is when my Army contract is up, is June '06. So, I would have to extend my contract for like nine months. However, I am in my reenlistment window, which means I can't extend, I either have to get out or reenlist. The shortest reenlistment option is two years. Now, I was supposed to do all of my extending and everything before I even left Germany, however this is where it gets foggy. I was flagged for weight, which meant I couldn't extend. So, I got sent to Japan with my ETS still being June of '06. If I had extended as soon as I wasn't flagged anymore I would be fine also, but then they decided to make the reenlistment window two years out from ETS instead of one year which is the usual case. So, now I have this predicament. You know, I say at least once every day to myself, "I should have listened to my mother." And in this case it is totally more than true. (BTW, stop by and check my mother's blog. The link is at the bottom of the page. *PROMO* PROMO* lol!) Anyway, I'm retarded and I haven't saved any money. Zero. Seriously, I know, I'm dumb. And now I have this college/interior design fire lit under my ass. This is my predicament: I just decided what my next move in life was going to be. I was going to start saving, now that I knew what I was saving for. I was going to get out in March, move to Chicago, get an apartment with my brother, get a job, settle down for about six months, get back in the civilian mind, and start school in the fall. Right now there is a year and a half/ two years before any of this happens. If I get out in June that's eight months too early. I don't have enough money saved up, and I only have two months to get settled for school. It's a lot of rushing, but it could still work. If I reenlist for two years, I get out of the army in OCT '07. I have lots more time to save money, but I wouldn't start design school until the spring of '08, almost three years from now and by that time I'm afraid I'll loose interest and have the army swallow me up and there go all my high speed plans and dreams. I have to really decide soon. I don't know what to do. My plans are all fucked up at this point. That's what is ironic about all this...At one point the Army says, "Guess what. We think you're cool. We think you're it. Tell you what, we're going to promote you for a job well done." Then the next their saying, "So, yeah we think you're cool, but that's about it. You still belong to us and we're gonna fuck up every plan you make." My mom is right, there is no point is making plans because it never works out the way you hoped. You can make the best, but are you ever really happy?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Thanks be to Steve

I hate dentists. Everyone hates dentists you say? Oh, yes, I agree with you to some degree, I mean who really enjoys having their teeth ceremoniously ripped out of their head, or even bigger gaping holes in the already large cavities, that really don't bother you until they screw with them, but you don't understand. I hate dentists, loath them. I would even go as far as to say, "With a passion" which I am not so fond of either. I have horrible teeth. Someone, whether it be in God's baby shop, or the stork factory or my parents genes, forgot to make sure my teeth made the adequate supply of fluoride. So, already I was doomed to have bad teeth. Then, of course, my love for coffee and cigarettes, sodas and chocolate didn't help me either. I'm surprised that I have any white left in my teeth. I should have a dulled tin colored smile. Today, I had to get yet another filling. And believe me...I brush my teeth. I don't floss because it hurts, but I brush. Twice a day for at least four to five minutes. Fluoride toothpaste for sensitive teeth, but no help. Cavity after cavity. I looked at the x-ray they did of me and seriously, my mouth looked like the Grand Canyon, with four big mountains on the ends. Which soon will explode and become volcanoes that will leave big craters after they are yanked from my head. Uh.... But really, all that would be fine. I wouldn't have this crazy dentist phobia which incidentally is called: dentophobia (who'da thunk it?) if it weren't for one man. Steve Martin. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my favorite comedian and yours is the reason why I hate dentists. First, he played crazy Orin Scrivello, DDS the sadistic, abusive dentist from Little Shop of Horrors. And yes, I know it was supposed to be funny, but I was only two or three when the movie came out, I was probably four of five when I first saw it, and that character is scary to children. I thought that's how all dentists were. Until I realized one day that it was a movie and I was a little better again. Then, when I was sixteen I saw another movie: Novocaine. Like Little Shop of Horrors it too stared Steven Martin as a dentist. This movie though it was promoted as a comedy, I didn't find very funny. This was serious stuff. Cheating wives, money laundering, other crazy crap, but mostly Steven Martin as a sad, depressed, drugged up, teeth yanking dentist. Now, you're saying, "Becky, you were sixteen, you know the difference between reality and fantasy." And I'll say you're right, but that little seed from long ago had been watered and was growing in the back of my mind which again, sprouted my fear of dentists. I would be okay, if I had teeth that cooperated, but I don't and must suffer many more long days worrying about my next visit to the DOCTORS FROM HELL!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Truth About Me and Men (No. 1)

This is my first...And I'm sure it's not going to be my last entry about men. I have a curse. I know, I'm only 21 years old, how could I already have a curse over me about men? It's easy to say it, and it's even easier to understand after I give you all the facts. I have dated a lot of guys. I started out early, I was 14, Ray was 17. And we were together for a long time. Almost two and a half years. But I got bored, and he was growing up and moving on, and I was interested in a friend of mine. So, it was bye-bye him, and hello, new guy.
Well, lets just say, new guy didn't work out so well. (Much like the relationship, if that's what you can call it, that just ended. I think perhaps it's a "Dan" thing.) Then there was Chris, and Rod. Then Josh. Josh was a good guy. We got along well, and we were together for over a year, but I moved away, he hated the fact that I was in the army, and I met Geoff. (Oh, and if any of you guys read this. Please don't get mad. I'm just telling it from my point of view. No harm, no foul.) Geoff, I wish I could say otherwise, but I still am very much in love with. I try to push it away, but it never works. I think if our jobs hadn't pushed into uncharted parts of Iraq and the world for that matter, I think we would still be together. But life doesn't make it easy, and we broke up.
Since then, my love life has been, on a scale of 1-10, shifting somewhere between a zero and a two. There was Dan Robinson. (Yes, I have dated three Dans. You'd think I'd learn right?) and Coop and Dan Carter. All three of them have been an absolute failure. (Thankfully, I am still somewhat friends with Dan R. And Coop, I wish neither of us had dated, but in the moment you never think straight. Hindsight is 20/20, you know.) And now, this is where the curse rears it's sorry head.
All but, like three of the guys I have ever dated, have met their wife and married them within about six months of being with me. Ray, Chris, Rod, Dan Robinson. The others, with my record, are not far behind if you ask me. What is it about me? Do they date me and I make them so crazy that they just pick up the next woman they see? Do I make them realize, that I am definitely not the kind of girl they want, so I make the next woman look magnificent? Now, I'm sure that's not the case, but when you're looking at it from where I sit. Uh...I'm lost.
I can admit that I am more of a person when I'm not with someone. I'm just finally figuring out who I am. I still don't know what I want to do with my life, but I think I'm on the right track, because I don't have someone I'm doting over all the time. However, I want companionship. I want a guy I can hug and who will hug me back. I want someone to cuddle with. I want someone to make happy, and that makes me happy at the same time. (Of course, I want the sex too. I mean I can't leave that out, right?!) But you know what I mean. When am I going to find it? I think I'm looking for it too hard. It's not coming in Japan, I'll tell you that much. All the good guys are already married. The so-so guys are all after the Japanese girls, or they're just assholes (Like Dan Carter. Can you tell he just recently pissed me off? Long story.) Or there are the single guys, where there is definitely a reason that they are single.
I need to get guys out of my mind. I need to get out and have fun. I need to meet people outside of the band. I need to go to school. I need to uh...I can list a million things that I need to do. I'm not going to get any of them done sitting at my computer. I'm gonna go chill out. I'm glad I have this journal to vent. I feel a lot better than when I started. I hope I didn't embarrass or make anyone mad. Like I said, I'm just telling it how I see it. There are three sides to every story, you know. My side, his side and the truth. Peace!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Circus Sheets and God

I think my new sheets are too loud...They're keeping me awake at night. I bought them about a week and a half ago, and I haven't gotten a good night's sleep since. I had been looking for some funky sheets, besides the gross blue ones I had, and found some Tommy Hilfiger ones that were striped blue, pink, white and magenta. They were 50% off, so I bought them. The morning after I'd slept in them the first time, I looked at my bed...It looks like a circus tent! It's horrible. I'm gonna keep them because I like the color, but...I don't know what to do about my sleep pattern. I don't understand the logic of my command team. Labor Day weekend for the Army, is a four day weekend. Which is good for the rest of the Army, because they don't work on the weekends. The band on the other hand works almost once every weekend. And, this weekend is like every other. We usually have comp days, and this time it was going to be: Friday, Saturday off, work Sunday, Monday, Tuesday off. Which is still retarded because, yeah, you have four days totally, but they're not all in a row. So, this morning chief tells everyone that they are taking Tuesday away, and giving us a three day the next weekend. I don't want a three day! I was four days! I want to have time to travel Japan. I want to go and see Kyoto, I want to see the big Buda...And how am I supposed to do that if I'm not getting the time off! Grr. I can plan as best I can this time, I know I'm gonna have three days...I'll see what I can dig up. I'm watching the news about Hurricane Katrina, and I feel bad, but it reminds me of this story: There was a man, Steve, who lived in Florida and he heard that a hurricane was coming. He decided that he didn't need to leave, that God would look out for him and he would be fine. So, there was about an hour or so until the hurricane was going to hit and there was a knock on Steve's door. There was a man standing there whom Steve had never seen. "Come on!" the man said, "I have a truck and we can get out of here before the storm hits. Come with me!" Steve thanked the man but said, "I'm not leaving. I'll be fine. God will take care of me." "Suit yourself," the man said, hopping in his truck and driving off. The hurricane hit, and there was lots of flooding. Steve was standing in his window sill, trying to keep dry, when a man in a row boat sailed by. "Come on!" the man in the row boat said. "I can take one more with me." "No, thank you!" Steve said. "I'm going to stay here. God will take care of me." The man shook his head, but rowed away. Finally, Steve was standing on his roof. The water was rising even higher, and a helicopter flew by. A man on a rescue line, came down. "Come on!" the man said. "Grab hold, and we'll be on our way." Steve refused. "I'm not leaving." he said. "God will take care of me." The man gave a signal to the others in the helicopter and flew away. The water rose and rose. It was over Steve's head and he fought as much as he could, but couldn't keep his head above the water. Eventually, Steve passed away. He arrived in heaven and was angry. "What is this?" He asked himself, "God was supposed to take care of me. If he had been why am I here?" He heard a great voice behind him, and spun around. He was looking God straight in the face. God said. "I did take care of you. I sent the man with the truck, the man with the row boat, and a whole crew in a helicopter, and you refused. As far as I'm concerned you deserved to die. You're a fool." The end. Have a nice day!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Babble (No. 1)

Finally, I can say I know what the difference between a kimono and a yukata are. I thought they were the same. I’ve been reading “Memoirs of a Geisha” (actually, I finished last night) and I saw a woman walking down the street wearing a Japanese robe. I didn’t think it was a kimono, but I didn’t know what the name for it was. I mentioned to Shawnee that I wanted to learn more about kimono and when and where they wear them. Well, Shawnee pointed out that the robe wasn’t a kimono, but a yukata…whatever the hell that was... Then, Friday, at the Fire Festival we saw tons of people wearing robes, and I decided once and for all to know the difference and all about traditional Japanese dress. And here it is: . A yukata is a summer weight robe, which is a lot like a kimono is the way that the top layer is worn. A kimono is extremely elaborate, and is worn for extremely special occasions. It’s all spelled out in the link. It’s really interesting to read about. Yeah, “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Arthur Golden is an excellent book, especially, being in Japan while I was reading. It had the same effect on me as “The Da Vinci Code” and “Angels and Demons” did while I was in Germany. I probably never would have visited the Louvre if I hadn’t read “The Da Vinci Code”. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to see Rome while I was there. I was in Japan when the Pope passed away or I probably would have hopped a plane and made it down there. I hope to visit there one day though, along with Venice. Ahhhh…..but that’s another dream. So…yes, I so much want to visit Kyoto now after reading this book. I’m sure I’ll be disappointed to some extent, because the Kyoto in this story is a Kyoto of pre-WWII. But, it should be fascinating all the same. And, speaking about great books…I’m also going to speak about bad movie renditions. I really do not like watching movies of books I love. There is only one exception and that is “Clan of the Cave Bear” because I saw the movie years and years before I read the book. However, every movie I have seen about a book I love has been absolute trash. For instance, “White Oleander” the book is amazing. It goes deep into the struggle of a young girl who is pulled from one foster family to another and how she learns more about herself in the process. The movie hit on the couple of horrify experiences, (i.e. her affair with a foster father, her real mother talking her favorite foster mother to commit suicide) then makes a total false love story between her and a boy she meets in a youth center. It was horrible. Right now, they are making “The Da Vinci Code” and “Memoirs of a Geisha” into movies. I’ve done some research on both, and of the two “Memoirs of a Geisha” will be the better. The casting seems great. I don’t know about the story, but I’m sure it will be fine. “The Da Vinci Code” on the other hand has horrible casting for the male lead (Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon? I’m sorry, but…no.) They do have the girl who was Amelie as Sophie, which I think is a great choice, I do wonder if she got the part because she is probably the most famous French actress that the US knows…She’s great, but was there anyone better out there? Oh, well, we’ll see how it all turns out. Another, movie I’m waiting for is “Rent”. They cast most of the original Broadway cast, except Joann and Mimi. (I like their choices though. Kudos!) Let’s see if a Broadway play of the magnitude can hold it’s own on the big screen. My fingers are crossed. It better be good…I cried the first time I saw the trailer. “The opposite of war isn’t peace…its creation!”

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Survey...Once and For All!

Time for this one again! I just got this from Beth, so instead of sending it to everyone, I'm just going to answer it on here. Enjoy! 1. What time did you get up this morning? Which time? 645 and then at 1300 2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Island 4.What is your favorite TV show? Will and Grace and Medium 5. What did you have for breakfast? Popeyes 6. What is your middle name? Jo 7. What is your favorite cuisine? Mom's 8. What foods do you dislike? Unmelted Cheese 9. What is your favorite Potato Chip? Salt and Vinegar Chips and Salsa Doritos 10. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Flogging Molly "Within a Mile of Home" 11. What kind of car do you drive? What car? 12. Favorite sandwich? Rubeun 13. What characteristics do you despise? Arrogance 14. Favorite item of clothing? Blue peasant skirt 15. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Australia 16. What color is your bathroom? Pink 17. Favorite brand of clothing? Charlotte Russe 18. Where would you want to retire? Not sure yet. 19. Favorite time of day? When it's time to go home from work. 20. Favorite sport to watch? Nothing. 21. Where were you born? Grand Rapids, MI 22. Who do you least expect to send this back? No one, since I'm not sending it. 23. Person you expect to send it back first? Ditto 24. What laundry detergent do you use? Tide 26. Are you a morning person or night owl? Morning 27. What size shoe do you wear? 8.5 28. Do you have pets? Lucifer, my pretty kitty! Oh, and I just adopted Shushi the band fish 29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? nope 30. What did you want to be when you were little? An author 31. Favorite candy bar? Reeses Peanut Butter Cups 32. What is your best childhood memory? Mom reading "James and the Giant Peach" to me when I was sick one night. 33. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Store Clerk, Army 34. What color underwear are you wearing? no underware 35. Nicknames? Ba-dunk-a-dunk (Thanks, Danny!) 36. Piercing? Yup....ears. 37. Eye color? Hazel 38. Ever been to Africa? no 39. Ever been toilet papering? Yes....we "tried" to tp Alex's house once when we were in Ninth grade. 40. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes (He knows who he is.) 41. Been in a car accidet? Only one, thankfully. 42. Croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits. 43. Favorite day of the week? Comp days. 44. Favorite Restaurant? Outback 45. Favorite Flower? Lilies 46. Favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip 47. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney 48. Favorite fast food restaurant? Wendy's and Taco Bell 49. What color is your bedroom carpet? Blue and Leopard print rungs. 50. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None 51. Before this one, who did you receive your last e.mail from? Mom 52. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Ikea 53. What do you do most often when you are bored? Play 54. Bedtime? 10:00 55. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? It's always nice to learn about friends, so anyone. 56. Last person you went to dinner with? Shawnee and the crew....Sushi!! (The food, not the fish.) 57. Ford or Chevy? Don't care. 58. What are you listening to right now? What Not to Wear. 59. What is your favorite color? Blue 60. Lake, ocean or river? Lake 61. How many tattoos do you have? Two, a fairy and shamrock that my brother drew and a shamrock with an American Flag motif. 62. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Don't give a shit. 63. How many people are you sending this e-mail to? I'm not. 64. Time you finished this e-mail? Whatever the posted time is.

Fire and Alcohol Don't Mix (No Matter What the Pagans Say...)

Wow! What a blast! Well…after we figured out where the hell we were supposed to be. The bus drivers dropped us off outside the shrine, gave us a map that was almost all in Japanese and said, “We’re leaving at 830.” Oh, great. Shawnee and I checked out the shrine first it was beautiful, and so serene. While we were there we participated in a tea ceremony. We were just going to watch, but the women were pointing at the seats and saying, “Dozo” which means, “Go ahead”. So, we did it. I think we managed to not make absolute fools of ourselves. We watched as a Japanese version of Rhea Perlman did the actual ceremony, which is really just making the tea out of a sort of tea leaf powder. The tea is very frothy because of the whisk they use to make the tea. It’s very strong. Think of it as a shot of espresso only it’s green tea. After the shrine, Shawnee and I made our way into the direction we thought the mass of the festival would be. We ended walking down the wrong street, but eventually found a police woman who we asked to read the map. She signed directions to us, and told us that the festival didn’t start until 1900. Uh, it was only 1630. When we found the street we were supposed to be on, most of the vendors were still setting up, so we went into a high speed ramen shop and had a beer. (Of course, that was the only logical thing to do.) We had beer and gyoza and complained about the why this outdoor rec trip was organized. Shawnee had told me that usually there is a guide who tells you where you should be at what time so that you don’t miss any of the cool stuff. This trip was really unlike that. We had arrived way too early, and if they didn’t start until 1900, the busses left at 2030. That only gave us an hour and a half. We found out later that that was more than enough time, but it was something to complain about at the time. After our second beer a group of people that Shawnee knew from other trips she had been on came into the restaurant. We had another beer with them. They are some cool people. I’ll defiantly be going on more trips if they’re on them. Finally, we said good-bye and went to check out what was going on. The street had been totally transformed. There were towers of wood for burning about five feet apart all the way down the street, it smelled so good like pine. As I was taking a picture of one, we met Neil and Alyssa. He and Shawnee hit it off right away. They were both photographers, so they babbled on about pictures the entire time. It’s a good thing that we started at the end and walked up, because if not me and Alyssa wouldn’t have gotten them anywhere. They were a great couple to spend time with though. What a bunch of fun they were. So, what is the Fire Festival you ask? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am here for the soul purpose to answer those questions…the truth, I have no idea. Here’s a link that I found that explains it the best: Basically, it’s just the end of the Japanese summer and the end of the hiking season up Mt. Fuji. Speaking of Fuji-sen, while we were waiting for the fires to start if you looked down the street all you could see was Mt. Fuji shrouding the town. You could see the lights from the climbing stations. It was magnificent. I know why they worship the mountain like they do. It’s outstanding. So, have you ever walked down a flaming street? It’s crazy! It smells so good! It feels like an inferno! I’m surprised no one gets hurt. There are so many people on the street! And it’s hectic and absolutely nuts! The night was great. I bought a semi-automatic rubber band sling shot. It shoots ten rubber bands consecutively at any unsuspecting person. I also bought a small painting of the Moulin Rouge. I know it was a strange buy. Why didn’t I buy something with Japan on it? Well, first I just liked the look of it, and second I had had about three beers and the same amount of Chu-hi at that point. So, yeah… The bus ride on the way back was not good. If Alyssa hasn’t given me those French fries I would really have been sucking wind. I’ll have to remember that for the next trip.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Wasted Time

Wow...I can tell already that a lot of my life is going to go into creating this blog...But in the words of my mother..."You don't know how much I don't give a damn!" I just got back from the Fire Festival. (so, yes, Shawnee's jerry-rigging and SFC Weaver's unabated decision making paid off.) What a blast! However, there will be more to follow...I need a good night's sleep first...Too much beer and chu-hi! My stomach is not at all agreeing with me. BTW, I added my mother's blog to the bottom of my page. Make sure to check it out. I'm sure I will be adding more soon. I know Shawnee is going to get into this, and this is definitely something I can see my Aunt Tina doing also. Like I've said...I like to hear what other people have to say also. Remember to keep an open mind...That's the only way to really make it in this world!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

About Alarm Clocks and Fish

Uh...I hate waking up. I'm glad today that I didn't have to wake up at 530. I don't think anyone should be expected to get up before 600. That is a good universal wake up time. If you are in a job that requires you to get out of bed by that time...Get rid of it. Unfortunately, I can't, I'd have big bad Uncle Sam breathing down my neck. I finally figured out how to get the alarm on my cell phone to work. Now I don't have to wake up to that incessant *beep* *beep* *beep* of my watch. Now I can wake up and watch Donald making fun of Mickey in the desert. Yes, it doesn't make much sense, but does it have to? I still haven't heard from Shawnee this morning about whether I'm supposed to be in for work early so that we can split for this festival at noon. I should probably go and jump in the shower and go over there on my own accord, but then, what if they don't let me go and I'm stuck all day at the band hall for no reason? Hmm...The questions life throws out your way! *shakes head* I'll probably go over there to feed the fish. Let me tell you about this damn fish. When I got to Japan there was a fish tank sitting in the hallway, and I couldn't tell if there was anything in there. It had a long curtain of algae on the front...It was extremely gross. I heard that Cheif liked to empty his coffee and tea in there every so often. After a day or two I noticed a moving object. It was a koi fish and he was poking his head out around the algae to see what was going on. Finally, about a month ago, I asked if I could take the fish home. They said, "Take it!" The fish tank is still sitting at the band hall, but at least now the tank is cleaned. In the process I found yet another fish (This one is horribly ugly. Like an eel or something.). And realized that there was no food. Who had been feeding the fish? I think it was living off of coffee. So, now, I think the fish is crazy...He swims around like a nut case. It reminds me of Dori off of Finding Nemo. "A boat! I've seen a boat!" I think maybe it has banged it's head one too many times on the clean glass or maybe he's having caffeine withdrawals. I'm starting to like the ugly one better. He just sits there.

My Very First Blog!

Well, then...Everyone was on crack today at work. At about 1400 we all got the giggles. It was so nice...I think it was because of the typhoon. Unfortunately, work doesn't start until 1200 tomorrow, (and according to Fred the uniform is flip-flops, a thong, and a light coat of oil. I asked if the females have to wear tops. He said it was optional.) which normally would be awesome, however, Shawnee and I are going to the Fire Festival and the bus leaves at 1200. She's trying to jerry-rig some plan so that we come into work at the normal time. I hope it works, thankfully, everyone is in a good mood today, so it might just possibly work!
I have no idea what the Fire Festival really is. I guess they build huge bonfires and drink and dance around them...You have to love those old time pagan religions! They certainly know how to party. I'm wondering how they'll keep them lit in a typhoon though. Gasoline, I guess. Lots and lots of gasoline! Good fun!