Thursday, August 25, 2005

About Alarm Clocks and Fish

Uh...I hate waking up. I'm glad today that I didn't have to wake up at 530. I don't think anyone should be expected to get up before 600. That is a good universal wake up time. If you are in a job that requires you to get out of bed by that time...Get rid of it. Unfortunately, I can't, I'd have big bad Uncle Sam breathing down my neck. I finally figured out how to get the alarm on my cell phone to work. Now I don't have to wake up to that incessant *beep* *beep* *beep* of my watch. Now I can wake up and watch Donald making fun of Mickey in the desert. Yes, it doesn't make much sense, but does it have to? I still haven't heard from Shawnee this morning about whether I'm supposed to be in for work early so that we can split for this festival at noon. I should probably go and jump in the shower and go over there on my own accord, but then, what if they don't let me go and I'm stuck all day at the band hall for no reason? Hmm...The questions life throws out your way! *shakes head* I'll probably go over there to feed the fish. Let me tell you about this damn fish. When I got to Japan there was a fish tank sitting in the hallway, and I couldn't tell if there was anything in there. It had a long curtain of algae on the front...It was extremely gross. I heard that Cheif liked to empty his coffee and tea in there every so often. After a day or two I noticed a moving object. It was a koi fish and he was poking his head out around the algae to see what was going on. Finally, about a month ago, I asked if I could take the fish home. They said, "Take it!" The fish tank is still sitting at the band hall, but at least now the tank is cleaned. In the process I found yet another fish (This one is horribly ugly. Like an eel or something.). And realized that there was no food. Who had been feeding the fish? I think it was living off of coffee. So, now, I think the fish is crazy...He swims around like a nut case. It reminds me of Dori off of Finding Nemo. "A boat! I've seen a boat!" I think maybe it has banged it's head one too many times on the clean glass or maybe he's having caffeine withdrawals. I'm starting to like the ugly one better. He just sits there.

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