Sunday, August 28, 2005

Babble (No. 1)

Finally, I can say I know what the difference between a kimono and a yukata are. I thought they were the same. I’ve been reading “Memoirs of a Geisha” (actually, I finished last night) and I saw a woman walking down the street wearing a Japanese robe. I didn’t think it was a kimono, but I didn’t know what the name for it was. I mentioned to Shawnee that I wanted to learn more about kimono and when and where they wear them. Well, Shawnee pointed out that the robe wasn’t a kimono, but a yukata…whatever the hell that was... Then, Friday, at the Fire Festival we saw tons of people wearing robes, and I decided once and for all to know the difference and all about traditional Japanese dress. And here it is: . A yukata is a summer weight robe, which is a lot like a kimono is the way that the top layer is worn. A kimono is extremely elaborate, and is worn for extremely special occasions. It’s all spelled out in the link. It’s really interesting to read about. Yeah, “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Arthur Golden is an excellent book, especially, being in Japan while I was reading. It had the same effect on me as “The Da Vinci Code” and “Angels and Demons” did while I was in Germany. I probably never would have visited the Louvre if I hadn’t read “The Da Vinci Code”. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to see Rome while I was there. I was in Japan when the Pope passed away or I probably would have hopped a plane and made it down there. I hope to visit there one day though, along with Venice. Ahhhh…..but that’s another dream. So…yes, I so much want to visit Kyoto now after reading this book. I’m sure I’ll be disappointed to some extent, because the Kyoto in this story is a Kyoto of pre-WWII. But, it should be fascinating all the same. And, speaking about great books…I’m also going to speak about bad movie renditions. I really do not like watching movies of books I love. There is only one exception and that is “Clan of the Cave Bear” because I saw the movie years and years before I read the book. However, every movie I have seen about a book I love has been absolute trash. For instance, “White Oleander” the book is amazing. It goes deep into the struggle of a young girl who is pulled from one foster family to another and how she learns more about herself in the process. The movie hit on the couple of horrify experiences, (i.e. her affair with a foster father, her real mother talking her favorite foster mother to commit suicide) then makes a total false love story between her and a boy she meets in a youth center. It was horrible. Right now, they are making “The Da Vinci Code” and “Memoirs of a Geisha” into movies. I’ve done some research on both, and of the two “Memoirs of a Geisha” will be the better. The casting seems great. I don’t know about the story, but I’m sure it will be fine. “The Da Vinci Code” on the other hand has horrible casting for the male lead (Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon? I’m sorry, but…no.) They do have the girl who was Amelie as Sophie, which I think is a great choice, I do wonder if she got the part because she is probably the most famous French actress that the US knows…She’s great, but was there anyone better out there? Oh, well, we’ll see how it all turns out. Another, movie I’m waiting for is “Rent”. They cast most of the original Broadway cast, except Joann and Mimi. (I like their choices though. Kudos!) Let’s see if a Broadway play of the magnitude can hold it’s own on the big screen. My fingers are crossed. It better be good…I cried the first time I saw the trailer. “The opposite of war isn’t peace…its creation!”

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