Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Safe Sex Never Felt So Good!

Ok, so I have to start out by saying I read about this in "O" magazine of all places. I was so intrigued that I had to do some researched. I'm sure you people lucky enough to have American TV and not the Armed Forces Network have seen commercials for this interesting device. A one time use vibrator that is on a silicone ring that slips onto the penis of your partner. So, while the deed is being down you get a little extra buzz. Well, in theory this is a pretty good idea. However, first of all, it's ten dollar ($10) for one. It only lasts for twenty minutes. So, if your love making takes longer than that you're shit out of luck, or if you are like some other fortunate couples, like to do it a lot. Well, that's ten bucks a pop! At this rate just buy a vibrator. It'll pay for itself! Secondly, (Disclaimer: If you are squeamish about hearing your niece or daughter or granddaughter, or goddaughter babbling on this way I suggest you not read ahead. Surprise! I'm not a little girl any more! LOL!) I can't imagine it would be very comfortable for either partner. The guy has this goofy looking ring wrapped around his thing, and the female has this thing being shoved against her repeatedly. You know what I mean? It just doesn't seem right. Wouldn't it make more sense to put a thing like that on a female condom so you at least get the prolonged sensation, not just when your fully penetrated by your guy. And lastly, don't you think it's kinda creepy that Trojan is promoting sex toys. That's not their job. They make condoms. It is their job to make sure no one gets pregnant or a STD. Not to make sex toys. If it was a spemicidally treated vibrator ring they would be a little closer to their own terrain, but no, they're selling sex toys at the drug store. I think this is something that you should only be able to pick up at one of your local skeezy sex shops. You know, where everyone kinda slinks around hoping they don't see anyone they know. Now it's: "Yours at Walgreens for the low, low price of $9.99. So, you can pick it up and run into your pastor around the corner. (However, If you run into him at the sex shop, at least you got a great story!) I don't know. Perhaps I'm putting to much thought into this. Actually, I know I'm thinking to deeply, but I just find it humorous! Anyway, I took my time to look this up on the Trojan website (and it was fun!), so why don't you take a look and decide for yourself? http://www.trojancondoms.com/vibratingring/index.asp Have fun and enjoy...(Yourself, if you know what I mean!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...so everyone in the world can read this? well I guess i wont say anything incriminating :)