Sunday, November 27, 2005

Yea for the Little Things!

So, this weekend was the first time I (and the band) has had a full four day weekend since I don't know when. It's interesting...I had forgotten how it felt to have four full days off. I remember in Germany going with Coop to Greiswald on a four day and or to Salzburg with him, Josh Simmons, and Dan Rashkin and also to Euro Disney and Paris with the whole gang. I can certainly say...Four day weekends are so much more fun while stationed in Germany! It was nice too, because even if you didn't go anywhere Mainz and Wiesbaden were so close! And even to go to the PX was fun because you were actually leaving the airfield. (They had a really nice book store with Cinnebon and lounge chairs too! I miss it!) And there was a movie theatre on base! They played really sucky movies, but you didn't have to go out to see a movie.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is: JAPAN SUCKS! It was great when I first got here, but uh! There is nothing on base for single soldiers. Unless you wanna get drunk and hang out with gross, annoying people. Everything else is so expensive! It takes forever to get anywhere! You have to walk to the train station and then the train, then walk again wherever your going. Even if you drive it takes your twenty minutes to go like five miles! And believe me, I'm not exaggerating. I love window shopping, but that's only when it's stuff I want, or can afford, or wear! Japan is definitely not the place for single American girls, but I've been through this before. Movies are $17! To play a game at the arcade is $1. I mean! Just to have fun will leave anyone broke!
However, the title of this entry is "Yea for the Little Things" so, I suppose I should move on to what the little things are. First, yea! For break ups! Seriously, I broke up this weekend with a guy that I have been separated from for a year and a half. I'm glad we finally went through the steps. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest and I can move on in relationships now. I won't have the thought of him hanging in the back of my brain. I do have to get ahold of him and let him know that I didn't really mean all the stuff about not talking to talk him any time soon. I think this time I really can move on and be friends, heck it's been that way for so long anyway!
Secondly, Yea! For hot chocolate! Have you ever seen anyone sad after they've had a hot cup of cocoa? Not likely. Especially not if you put in a shot of peppermint schnapps!
Three: Yea! For peace and quiet. I didn't do anything this weekend. Nothing socially anyway, and I'm happy. I can't say that I didn't have any bored or lonely moments, but oh...I needed a break and thankfully, I got it!
Four: Yea! For creativity. I love my talents. They don't make me any money, (actually they are quite expensive), but when I see one more round on a crocheted blanket finished, or the colors shining from a just finished Christmas card...It's happiness.
Five: Yea! For moms. I don't mean to say that my mother and I have the best relationship. We do get on each others nerves every now and then, but if I ever want to talk something through...I know I can talk to mom. She doesn't always tell me exactly what I want to here, but that's what mothers are for.
And finally (at least for right now): Yea! For Christmas shows of DVD! It makes you feel like a kid again. It's just Yea!
So, now I have to go into work tomorrow. I start every day with a "Don't let them bother me" attitude. Sometimes it doesn't always work, but remember in three weeks I'll be home for Christmas and I won't have to deal with their crap for two whole weeks! (One for Yea!)

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