Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Very First Blog!

Well, then...Everyone was on crack today at work. At about 1400 we all got the giggles. It was so nice...I think it was because of the typhoon. Unfortunately, work doesn't start until 1200 tomorrow, (and according to Fred the uniform is flip-flops, a thong, and a light coat of oil. I asked if the females have to wear tops. He said it was optional.) which normally would be awesome, however, Shawnee and I are going to the Fire Festival and the bus leaves at 1200. She's trying to jerry-rig some plan so that we come into work at the normal time. I hope it works, thankfully, everyone is in a good mood today, so it might just possibly work!
I have no idea what the Fire Festival really is. I guess they build huge bonfires and drink and dance around them...You have to love those old time pagan religions! They certainly know how to party. I'm wondering how they'll keep them lit in a typhoon though. Gasoline, I guess. Lots and lots of gasoline! Good fun!


Anonymous said...

Rebecca Jo,
You crack me up, you are such a nut! I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky this is like the coolest thing ever....ill call ya soon!!