Friday, September 26, 2008

I Have A Jo-ob!

Finally, after almost two months in Kalamazoo I have a job! This is very exciting. Well, sort of anyway. I'm working at the Mobil gas station on the corner of Lovell and Oakland. It is called the Dairy Mart or DM. Hopefully, I won't get stuck up while I'm working there. A gun in my face is not going to make a good day. I'm making minimum wage, $7.40, which is okay, I mean money is money. It will definitely help me with my bills.

I started reading the Twilight series a couple of weeks ago and I'm very into them. I just started the third book, Eclipse, the other day. I'm a little in love with Edward, I'm not gonna lie. I just started liking the Bella character too. I thought throughout the first book she was just some sort of Emo kid. I hate Emo kids. They are annoying. However, Bella really isn't that way I learned so now I'm kind of into her character. I'm interested to see if she will get turned into a vampire or not.

If you happen to be in the mood for any other vampire books I would suggest Christopher Moore's "You Suck" and Tate Hallaway's "Tall, Dark, and Dead" series. They are pretty funny and interesting. They are a little like paranormal mysteries with a hilarious twist.

In crochet news I finished blocking my grey sweater. It is a little big, but it hangs nicely. It will be good for wrapping up in in the wintertime. I also started the beaded scarf. I'm about half way done with it. It is turning out really well.

In about a half of a day I made a red slouchy hat. I made it out of Red Heart Super Saver and really didn't like the stiffness of it. I through it in the laundry with some fabric softener and then into the dryer.! It is really soft now and it drapes really beautifully. Now I just have to get the balls to wear it out in public!

I also started a cotton shopping bag, but I decided I didn't like it so I tore it apart and I'm going to find something else to use the yarn for. I really want to get rid of all of my yarn. It's a quest now!

So, in different news. I went to the bar last night. Met some people, got drunk, got embarrassed and cried. Beer is bad for me. I really like the taste and most of the time I can drink it without getting to buzzed up, which is the way I like to be, but I hate the times when I really get drunk. Uh! I hate it. Happy to say that I'm not too embarrassed. I might go to the bar again tonight, but I will only be drinking water and soda. I think that is a good plan.

Also, I don't know what is up with the city of Kalamazoo, but last week they filled in a bunch of potholes on my street. Today, the decided to tear the whole street out and repave. What was the point of filling the potholes? I don't understand.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Well, I'm back...again.

Well, I'm back again. I am determined to keep this up for a while at least. I'm in love with this new knit/crochet website at the moment and I can link my blogs to it. How amazing is that? I've wanted to post my projects for a long time too. I think it would be neat to start selling or donating my projects because I don't need everything that I make!

So, I finished my first sweater the other day. It's blocking right now, so I don't know how it looks on me just yet. It is a heather gray cardigan that I found in a pattern book that I bought at Walmart. It took me about a month to crochet it. It was super easy. There was a little counting as I was making the body, that is how it was shaped. The sleeves and the collar were fun because of the neat lace pattern. I usually loose interest in large projects so the fact that I finished something that I can actually wear it astonishing to me. Maybe I have more confidence in my work.

I also started a scarf yesterday. I think I am going to make two of them. One I will donate or give to a friend, and the other I am going to make for myself. The first one is going to be for a friend, and the second one I am going to bead around the edges. I think it will just pump up the sophistication of the finished look. I excited to see if it works. Sometimes embellishments are too much. If I may steal from Mr. Marvelous Tim Gunn I have to have an editing eye. I don't want to be walking around with a ghastly, kitchy looking crocheted piece wrapped around my shoulders. Eek!

So, in other news. I'm in Kalamazoo now. I going to school. I decided I wanted to be a journalist when I grow up. I'm going to Western Michigan University and I really love it! I love my apartment! (Pictures to come!) and all of it! I don't have a job yet, but I am looking. I've got great neighboors and live on a beautiful street.

Speaking of my street...a little anecdote!

My neighboor, Kylie, and I were sitting on the porch last night drink a beer. Across the street is a beautiful brick house. In this house lives a man, a woman, and like seven of the same type of dog! Really yippy little white things. THEY ARE LOUD!

But, anyway...last night the woman let them out and they ran directly to the gate and started barking at something that was alive, a mouse, or bat, or squirrel...I'm not sure what. The woman freaked out and called them all inside. Six of them listened, but one did not. Poor little Placeto. (That's the name of the dog! She screamed it at him at least a million times!) So, she's screaming at little Placeto, who is not paying any attention to her, and is more interested with this terrible creature that she is deathly afraid of. So, she gets in her car and drives up to the gate, because she is so scared. She won't get out of the car to pick up the dog, because small mouse-like creature with surely attack her.

Finally, another neighbor from across the street comes to try and help her. She still will not leave her car. She has to open the gate so the neighboor can come in, pick up

her dog, and hand it to her. Kylie and I were mesmerized. This took at least a half hour. It was hilarious. We appaulded the neighbor as she made her way back across the street. She answered us with a rowdy, "Yea! I'm the hero!"

I feel sorry for Placeto.