Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Fucking Easter

Well...In true holiday fashion Easter came and went and I wish it just hadn't. Holidays are good if you have family or friends...Or at least friends who don't disappear on you and then tell you "It's nothing personal". Now, I can't lie and say I wasn't invited somewhere. I was...And the food would have been good, but why go and suffer through a bunch of assholes getting drunk and complaining about work for a good meal? Anyway, my day wasn't all that bad. I went and consoled myself the only real way any woman can...I went shopping. I found a lucky yenny (Yes, that's yenny.) on the way to the train station and went to the arcade and kicked ass on "Pop'n'Music" (The greatest game invented.) and Mario Kart and actually found clothes in that fit me...I found the ever coveted little black dress. You know the one I'm talking about. It is so cute and actually fits over my hips and is slimming and the whole deal. Next is the shoes...(More shopping opportunities!) So, today I'm going to Yokosuka to get my teeth evaluated for my wisdom tooth surgery. Eek! Not looking forward to that...Let me tell you. (Look for the blog entry about why I hate dentists!) And that's about it. I'm still trying to make my final decisions about where I'm going to actually settle when I get out of the Army. And yes!, I am getting out. For right now. Before anyone tells me..."You should really stay in." "It's hard to find a job." "You won't make as much money." try to be confident that I can actually make it on my own. It's not the end of the world. People start over all the time...It is never too late, and you never get to live if you stay where it's easy. Screw that. I'm not interested. It's all about the living people and I'll take the good and the bad with that.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

New Blurb

I know I'm pathetic...and I shouldn't try to write while I should be getting ready for work...and I know I won't give you any info you really want to read, but at least I'm adding something to this almost dead blog...I'll take time tonight or tomorrow to fill everyone in on what has been happening to me. Like BJ coming to visit and getting out and so on and so forth. Be patient...I get off my ass eventually and take care of this blog like I said I would! LOL!